Dating a rich girl yahoo

Dating > Dating a rich girl yahoo

Every girl grows up with this bizarre dream that one day her 'prince charming' will come and sweep her off her feet in a dashing white horse. As centuries past by, the white horse has now turned into a black limousine. However, the myth of the 'Prince Charming' remains unchanged. Dating a rich man is part of every girl's dreams. Dating a rich man comes at a cost. While you have many benefits that you can take from a guy who has plenty of cash, you will also have to adapt yourself to his datjng tastes. There are also so many rules of dating a rich man. You have to be perfect lady, you should dress well all the time, you can never have a had hair day! The list is exhausting. However, there are some undeniable dating a rich girl yahoo of being with a man who has money and power. Your life becomes simple in so many different ways. If you are a girl who likes to shop, you will be on the top of the world. If you have a taste for luxury, there is nothing he cannot buy for you. Benefits Of Dating A Rich Guy 1. Your wallet can take a vacation When you're with a yqhoo guy ,your own wallet can take a break from all the hard work. He will obviously not allow you to pay when he's so girk />A that's the gentlemanly thing to do! Great tastes Won't it be great to be with a guy who can tell dating a rich girl yahoo difference between Chanel and Dior. Your mom will be delighted Your family, your mom in particular will be overjoyed with your choice. All the pampering money can buy When your man is not short of cash, he can buy you almost anything money can buy. And rich guys usually love to pamper their ladies with gifts that are insanely expensive. New clothes, exotic vacations, name it and you've got it. Your future is secured You don't have to wait for your boyfriend to get the next promotion for him to datung />You don't need to change your job to afford a decent house together. You can marry him here and now because his future along with yours is secured. How guys have nothing to offer in dating a rich girl yahoo relationship. The link is below. Ease of being used for ritual. I will not expect a grown up woman with life experiences to reason like this. Even by this your topic already, rich guys looking for a lady to use as a sacrifice can take advantage of you for you have just shown that you are gullible and naive. There are no benefits of dating a rich man if the man is a beast. However what you should know in life is that all good and hardworking guys have the tendency of getting rich but all rich guys are not good guys. For your own safety and peace of mine, you as a lady should strive and be financial independent then go for a caring and hardworking guy. Your post made w laugh. What qualities do you possess by the way?.

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